
Diese Seite listet die Literatur auf, welcher die Informationen auf entnommen sind.


Pinguine - Spezialisten fürs Kalte
Von Boris Culik, erschienen 2002 im BLV Verlag, ISBN 3-4051-6318-8

Von Kevin Schafer, erschienen 2001 beim Tecklenborg Verlag, ISBN 3-9240-4490-2

Pinguine - die kleinen Leute der Antarktis
Von Ron Naveen, erschienen 2001 beim Scherz Verlag, ISBN 3-5021-5501-1

Im Reich der Pinguine
Von Friederike und Horst M. Bronny, erschienen 1997 im Dieter Krone Verlag, ISBN 3-9805289-5-2

Penguins of the world
Von Dr. Wayne Lynch, erschienen 1997 bei Firefly, ISBN 1-55209-180-5

Entdeckungsfahrten in die Polarregionen
Von Christine Reinke-Kunze, erschienen 1996 bei Koehlers, ISBN 3-7822-0677-0

Pinguine - Sphenisciformes; Spheniscidae
Von Müller-Schwarze, Dietland; erschienen 1977 in Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei Bd. 464, ISBN 3-89432-820-7

Was ist Was - Pinguine, Band 107
Von Boris Culik, erschienen 1999 beim Tesslof Verlag, ISBN 3-7886-0670-3

Penguins of the Falkland Islands and South America
Von Mike Bingham, erschienen 2001 in 1stBooks Library, ISBN 0-7596-3335-5

Penguins - a worldwide guide
Von Remy Marion, erschienen 1999 im Sterling Verlag, ISBN 0-8069-4232-0

Von Roger Eckert, erschienen 2002 im Thieme Verlag (4.Auflage), ISBN 3-13-664004-7

Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbeltiere auf evolutionsbiologischer Grundlage (Band 2)
Von Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. h.c. Dietrich Starck, erschienen 1979 im Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-09156-4

Von Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, erschienen 2005 im Benjamin Cummings Verlag (4.Auflage), ISBN 0-32126-984-5

Frei im Internet zugängliche wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Early penguin Fossils, Plus Mitchondrial Genomes, Calibrate Avian Evolution
Kerryn E. Slack, Craig M.Jones, Tatsuro Ando G.L. Harrioson, R.Ewan Fordyce, Ulfur Arnasdon, David Penny
März 2006, Oxford University Press / Society for Molecular Biology and Evulution

Descriptions of the Earliest Fossil Penguin from South America and First Paleogene Vertebrate Locality of Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina
Julia A. Clarke, Eduardo B. Olivero, Pablo Puerta
Dezember 2003, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79 th Street, New York, NY

Unltaviolet reflecting photonic microstructures in the King Penguin beak
Brigitta Dresp, Pierre Jouventin, Keith Langley
März 2005, Biology Letters, The Royal Society

Chronic Oiling affecting Magellanic Penguins: A Review
Valeria Ruoppolo, P. Dee Boersma, Pablo Garcia Borboroglu, Laura M. Reyes, Rodolfo Pinho da Silva
undatiert, 2003 ?, Online Publikation auf der Webseite des International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC)

Evidence for incomplete replication of a penguin poxvirus in cells of mammalian origin
Linda M. Stannard, Dianna Marais, Daria Kow, Keith R. Dumbell
März 1998, Journal of General Virology

Widespread Distribution of Lysozyme g in Egg White of Birds
Ellen M. Prager, Allan C. Wilson
November 1974, The Journal of Biological Chemistry

Spheniscins, Avian ß-Defensins in Preserved Stomach Contents of the King Penguin, Aptonodytes patagonicus
Cécile Thouzeau, Yvon Le Maho, Guillaume Froget, Laurence Sabatier, Céline Le Bohec, Jules A. Hoffmann, Philippe Bulet
Dezember 2003, The Journal of Biological Chemistry

Solution Structure of Spheniscin, a ß-Defensin from the Penguin Stomach
Céline Landon, Cécile Thouzeau, Henri Labbé, Philippe Bulet, Françoise Vovelle.
Juli 2004, The Journal of Biological Chemistry

The potential costs of flipper-bands to penguins
S. Jackson, R. P. Wilson
Februar 2002, Functional Ecology, British Ecological Society

Penguin hemoglobin (Aptenodytes forsteri). A 45 residue N-terminal sequence
C. Monier, A.G. Schnek, J. Dirkx, J. Leonis
Oktober 1973, Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters

Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) myoglobin. A 70 residue N-terminal sequence
S. Pfeiffer, M. Deconinck, C.Paul, J. Depreter, A.G. Schnek, J. Léonis
Dezember 1973, Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters

Hemispheric Asymmetries in Biodiversity - A Serious Matter for Ecology
Steven L. Chown, Brent J. Sinclair, Hans P. Leinaas, Kevin J. Gaston
November 2004, PLOS Biology

As the Antarctic Ice Pack Recedes, a Fragile Ecosystem Hangs in the Balance
Lize Gross
April 2005, PLOS Biology

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen ohne freien Zugang

Influence of environmental factors on the decomposition of penguin guano in Antarctica
Valerie A. Orchard, Diane M. Corderoy
Polar Biology 1 4, 199 - 204

Fluoride turnover in adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) and other brid species
Boris Culik
Polar Biology Bd 7 3, 179 - 187

Human-induced behaviour in Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae)
R. P. Wilson, N. R. Coria, H. J. Spairani, D. Adelung, B. Culik
Polar Biology Bd 10 1, 77 - 80

Pygoscelid penguins in a swim canal
Boris M. Culik, Rory P. Wilson, Robert Dannfeld, Dieter Adelung, Hugo J. Spairani, N. R. Coco Coria
Polar Biology Bd 11, 4, 57 - 63

Comparative fuel metabolism in Gentoo and King Penguins: adaptation to brief versus prolonged fasting
Y. Cherel, F. Fréby, J. Gilles, J.-P. Robin
Polar Biology 13 4, 263 269

Seasonal importance of oceanic myctophids in king penguin diet at Crozet Islands
Y. Cherel, C. Verdon, V. Ridoux
Polar Biology 13 5, 355 - 357

Gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua diet as an indicator of planktonic availability in the Kerguelen Islands
C. A. Bost, P. Koubbi, F. Genevois, L. Ruchon, V. Ridoux
Polar Biology 14 3, 147 - 153

Energetic costs of raising Pygoscelid penguin chicks
Boris Culik
Polar Biology 14 3, 205 - 210

Delayed laying and prolonged fasting in Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae
Joachim Ulbricht, Detlev Zippel
Polar Biology 14 3, 215 - 217

The post-moult diet of Emperor Penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) in the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Klemens Pütz
Polar Biology Bd 15 7, 457 - 463

Competition between the krill fishery and penguins in the South Shetland Islands
Taro Ichii, Mikio Naganobu, Takashi Ogishima
Polar Biology Bd 16 1, 63 - 70

Satellite telemetry of the winter migration of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae)
Lloyd S. Davis, P. Dee Boersma, Gordon S. Court
Polar Biology 16 3, 221 - 225

Maximum diving depths of northern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome moseleyi) at Amsterdam Island
Yann Tremblay, Eric Guinard, Y. Cherel
Polar Biology 17 2, 119 - 122

Penguins, fur seals, and fishing: prey requirements and potential competition in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
D. A. Croll, B. R. Tershy
Polar Biology 19 6, 365 - 374

The occurrence of blood-inhabiting protozoa in captive and free-living penguins
H.I. Jones, G. R. Shellam
Polar Biology Bd 21 1, 5 - 10

Acoustic communication in a king penguin colony: importance of bird location within the colony and of the body position of the listener
Thierry Lengagne, Thierry Aubin, Pierre Jouventin, Jacques Lauga
Polar Biology Bd 21 4, 262 - 268

Seasonal change in foraging areas and dive depths of breeding king penguins at Heard Island
Geoffrey J. Moore, Barbara Wienecke, Graham Robertson
Polar Biology Bd 21 6, 376 - 384

Do sleeping king penguins influence the movement of conspecifics through a colony?
Steeve D. Côté, Gérard Dewasmes
Polar Biology Bd 22 1, 13 - 16

Morphological aspects of the heart of the northern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome moseleyi?): possible implication in diving behavior and ecology?
Charles M. Drabek, Yann Tremblay
Polar Biology Bd 23 12, 812 - 816

Inter-annual variation in the diet of female southern rockhopper penguin ( Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) at Tierra del Fuego
Andrea Raya Rey, Adrián Schiavini
Polar Biology Bd 28 2, 132 - 141

Impact of predation on king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus in Crozet Archipelago
Sébastien Descamps, Michel Gauthier-Clerc, Céline Le Bohec, et al.
Polar Biology Bd 28 4, 303 - 310

What is out there: diversity in feeding of gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) around the Falkland Islands
Andrea P. Clausen, Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Vladimir V. Laptikhovsky, et al.
Polar Biology Bd 28 9, 653 - 662

Distribution and population dynamics of Euphausia superba: summary of recent findings
V. Siegel
Polar Biology, Bd 29 1, 1 - 22

Factors affecting chick growth in the South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki): food supply, weather and hatching date
Markus S. Ritz, Steffen Hahn, Hans-Ulrich Peter
Polar Biology Bd 29 1, 53 - 60

Comparison of foraging strategies of incubating king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus from Macquarie and Heard islands
Barbara Wienecke, Graham Robertso
Polar Biology 29 5, 424 - 438

Winter migration of rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes c. chrysocome) breeding in the Southwest Atlantic: is utilisation of different foraging areas reflected in opposing population trends?
Klemens Pütz, Andrea Raya Rey, Adrián Schiavini, Andrea P. Clausen, Bernhard H. Lüthi
Polar Biology, Online Publikation Februar 2006

Genetic evidence for three species of rockhopper penguins, Eudyptes chrysocome
Jonathan Banks, Amy Van Buren, Yves Cherel and James B. Whitfield
Polar Biology, Online Publikation Juni 2006

Preferential incubation positions for different sized eggs and their influence on incubation period and hatching asynchrony in Snares crested (Eudyptes robustus) and yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes)
Melanie Massaro, Lloyd S. Davis
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Bd 56 5, 426 - 434

Temperature regulation in the little penguin,Eudyptula minor, in air and water
C. D. Stahel, S. C. Nicol
Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology Bd 148 1, 93 - 100

Convection and thermoregulation in two Antarctic seabirds
Mark A. Chappell, Kenneth R. Morgan, Sherrie L. Souza, Theresa L. Bucher
Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology Bd 159 3, 313 - 322

Field metabolic rates of instrumented Adélie penguins using double-labelled water
Boris M. Culik, Rory P. Wilson
Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology Bd 162 6, 567 - 573

Aspergillus spp. seropositivity in New Zealand penguins
Thaddeus K. Graczyk, John F. Cockrem
Mycopathologia 131 3, 179 - 184

Predicting the swimming and diving behaviour of penguins from muscle biochemistry
J. Baldwin
Hydrobiologia Bd 165 1, 255 - 261

Studies of viruses in penguins in the Vestfold Hills
I. R. Morgan, H. A. Westbury
Hydrobiologia Bd 165 1, 263 - 269

The functional morphology of the scolex of twoTetrabothrius Rudolphi 1819 species (Cestoda; Tetrabothriidae) from penguins
Karin I. Andersen, Ståle Lysfjord
Parasitology Research Bd 67 3, 299 - 307

Characteristics of naturally acquired avian malaria infections in naive juvenile African black-footed penguins (Spheniscus demersus)
T. K. Graczyk, M. R. Cranfield, T. F. McCutchan, E. J. Bicknese
Parasitology Research Bd 80 8, 634 - 637

Evaluation of serum chemistry values associated with avian malaria infections in African black-footed penguins (Spheniscus demersus)
Thaddeus K. Graczyk, Michael R. Cranfield, Elisabeth J. Bicknese
Parasitology Research 81 4, 316 - 319

Satellite tracking of Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) in northern Chile
B. M. Culik, G. Luna-Jorquera
Marine Biology 128 4, 547 - 556

Foraging behaviour and reproductive success in Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus): a comparative study of two colonies in southern Chile
A. Radl, B. M. Culik
Marine Biology 133 3, 381 - 393

Foraging strategies and prey encounter rate of free-ranging Little Penguins
Yan Ropert-Coudert, Akiko Kato, Rory P. Wilson, Belinda Cannell
Marine Biology 149 2, 139 - 148

Sulfhydryl proteins of penguin egg white: Ovalbumin and penalbumin. Comparisons with penguin serum albumin, chicken ovalbumin, and bovine serum albumin
David T. Osuga, Mahmoud Aminlari, Charles Y. -K. Ho, Richard G. Allison, Robert E. Feeney
The Protein Journal 2 1, 43 - 62

Analysis of the sequence variations in the Mhc DRB1-like gene of the endangered Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti)
Eri F. Kikkawa, Tomi T. Tsuda, Taeko K. Naruse, Daisuke Sumiyama, Michio Fukuda, Masanori Kurita, Koichi Murata, Rory P. Wilson, Yvon LeMaho, Michio Tsuda, Jerzy K. Kulski, Hidetoshi Inoko
Immunogenetics 57 1+2, 99 - 107


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SORA - Searchable Ornithological Reasarch Archive

University of Otago, Department of Geology

Avian Demography Unit, University of Capetown

Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust

Falkland Conservation

Antarktis Online

Animal Diversity Web

World Bird Guide

International Penguin Conservation Working Group

Australian Antarctic Division

British Antarctic Survey

National Institute of Polar Research

Public Libary of Science

Pubmed Journal Datenbank

International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators